It truly is a gift to be able to share your Human Design with you.
I have been privileged to already share this gift with some beautiful humans, and these connections continue to leave my heart full of love and joy - knowing that this information is allowing individuals to honour who they are, and embrace all of the parts of them.
“Recently my wife and I had our Human Design analysis by the beautiful Jessica from INSPIRE. EMPOWER. THRIVE. What an absolute game changer, it amazed me how much it has assisted me in understanding myself and parts of me that were set from birth. We got so much out of it that we did a comparison together, and then got all of our kids done. This has to be one of the best investments we have made, as it gives us so much more understanding of some of the traits and behaviours of ourselves, and our whole family - and how we can support each other. I wish I had have done this earlier. Having Jessica’s beautiful energy and assistance was so amazing, she really is doing what she was put here to do. I’d highly recommend this to anyone that wants to connect within, and get assistance in being in full alignment. So grateful!”
- WEZ MURPHY: Alignment Coach
“ABSOLUTE game changer! I’m telling everyone about this. I can’t believe how specific, and accurate this was.”
- B.C.
“Having worked with children for over 35 years and being a parent to teenage boys, I absolutely understand the importance of connecting with and listening to our young people, and believe it is a gift I have successfully developed over time. But there are always those kids difficult to connect with or understand – why? Listening to Jess’ reading of my 13 year old son definitely made me think deeply about being more aware of the possibility that many of our young people – especially those difficult to form connections with - may not be in their authentic energetic alignment. I look forward to continuing to learn how I could support our young people more effectively, to reach who they truly are.”
“Human design was not something that I had heard of before speaking with Jess. Straight away it intrigued me as I am a forever learner with a strong focus on holistic therapy including spirituality. The reading with Jess gave me insight as to why I do things, why I am the way I am, but more importantly it gave me permission to do more of me. The tools to communicate with my family what my needs are is truly a blessing, as before I felt the feels, but couldn’t articulate exactly what I needed. As humans we all strive to be the best version of ourselves, and wouldn’t that be easier if we knew more about our true selves?”
“I feel it has woken me up! To trust my inner wisdom more than I have ever before. I am now more aware of how energy flows within my body and having this knowledge gives me confidence in making everyday decisions. Thank you Jessica x ”
"Thank you so so much Jess! This is amazing! Having this information to understand your child - and yourself - while you navigate parenting is incredible. It is an overview of your child, a 'roadmap'; the best gift anyone could be given.”
“This is the greatest gift that I have ever been given. Jess, I feel so privileged that you have shared this with me - it is completely life-changing, and I am forever grateful to you for highlighting this for me. I hope everyone has the opportunity to understand their design. You are wonderful and I hope you have more opportunities to share this.”
- G.P.
“Jess’ words ‘inspire empower thrive’ are a true representation of the feelings that are experienced and embodied when learning about your unique Human Design. I don’t even know how to put into words my gratitude for receiving my human design reading - my blue print, my permission slip to step into the person I have always meant to be. It was a total wake up call to realize that areas of my life where I’ve struggled the most, I haven’t been listening to that little voice, that authentic guide inside me, because I was always trying to fit in, because of expectations of others, or because of years of conditioning - major conflict within!
I have been profoundly INSPIRED to live MY life, my way, and feel EMPOWERED to make an impact in life with my gifts. As a result, not only am I THRIVING in life, but loved ones around me are as well. I’ve stopped fighting with myself and have discovered pure joy and peace simply from taking the time to get to know myself on a deeper level. I’ve laughed at realizations and have been brought to tears acknowledging how rejecting parts of myself have affected areas of my life.
2021 was always going to be about up-leveling and growing, and now I feel super charged with love, acceptance and clarity with the direction I’m heading in life. I feel as if I have opened my eyes and see myself for the beautiful creation that I am because of your reading. Jess, your knowledge, your guidance, your amazingly calm and gentle way with words, and connections you create, are an absolute gift that the world needs more of.
Gratitude overload - thank you, thank you, thank you!!”
— JEL EDMONDS: Owner & Creator of WellnessMODE
“Jess has shone a light on Ozzie in his purest form. The practical support reaffirms how we want to parent and diminishes societal expectations. Understanding how Ozzie interacts with the world is empowering, from food/digestion, learning/play, environment, sleep. Jess explains Human Design in a way that is easily consumed, and we are so excited to explore even further how we ensure Ozzie’s true essence isn’t conditioned.”
— TESS WATSON: Owner & Creator of Rising With
"With Jess’ Deep Dive and ongoing support, I have been able to understand myself on a level I never imagined possible. This insight is allowing me to live and experience life more authentically. Being an educator, Jess’ explanation of Human Design is easily to understand and assimilate. I highly recommend diving in and discovering what Jess offers - it truly is a gift of life.”