I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, teacher, nurturer, and life long learner.
In Human Design terminology, I am an Emotional Generator, with a Split Definition, and a 4/6 Profile. I thrive when I am doing things that bring me joy, and enjoy connecting and sharing with others.
Learning about my own Human Design was extremely liberating, and sparked so much joy, it led me down the path of wanting to share this wonderful insight with anyone who would stay still long enough to listen. I have been living my experiment for four years now!
I completed further study to have the capacity to interpret Human Design body-graphs, and with this understanding, along with my knowledge working as a teacher, and my own lived experiences, it has provided me with a broad range of skills to see deeply into others, to identify their gifts and true uniqueness, and to provide support allowing them to move back into energetic alignment, by being seen for their individual needs, learning, relationship and communication styles.
Seeing and processing all of the de-conditioning I am working through, it allowed me to imagine how beautiful it would be, to be your innate self in all your wonder, right from the start? I immediately felt drawn to wanting to support parents to honour themselves, and their children, for who they truly are. Knowledge, awareness + action, is power. Understanding your child at this level, will allow you to support them socially, emotionally, physically and academically, to thrive!
I have completed Youth Mental Health First Aid training, as well as William Glasser International Basic Intensive Training of Choice Theory, Reality Therapy and Lead-Management, to support identifying our needs and perceptions, explicit communication, and connective habits.
I am also a Certified Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiologist. Through muscle testing I am able to connect with your subconscious to clear stresses from the body. Sometimes we aren’t even aware of the emotions, traumas, patterns and beliefs we have operating in the background that can be contributing to our physical ailments.
This has been a beautiful modality that further enhances the work I am doing through sharing Human Design. All of these are extra tools in my toolkit, along with my many lived experiences (always an opportunity to reflect, learn and grow), allowing me to deeply support those that I am working with.
I look forward to connecting with you soon!
— Jessica
Chat with me
Are you intrigued about Human Design, but unsure which analysis is for you? Feel free to send me an email and I can support you to determine the best fit!