Our lives can take many different paths… let’s get you back to who you are inherently meant to be!


Human Design Analysis

Understanding your own design can allow you to return to who you are truly here to be. Understanding your child’s design provides awareness - allowing you to embrace their uniqueness, limit conditioning and support them to thrive.



Introduction to Human Design

If you have never heard of Human Design before, and all of this seems like a foreign language; you are intrigued, but aren’t sure about completely immersing yourself, this express reading provides the entry level information for you to understand the basics of your unique design. Your personalised express reading will be emailed to you as a voice recording.

*If following your Express Reading you choose to explore your design further, a discount will be applied when selecting another offering

Investment $111


Explore your Human Design

1 x Zoom recording:

If this is your first* look at Human Design, you will learn about your specific energy type, and how you can best exchange your energy in the world. Your analysis will also cover your energetic needs, how to honour these, the way energy flows within you, your body intelligence assisting you to make energetically correct decisions, your personality, and anything extra that stands out to me and I feel called to share.

*Depending on your previous exposure to Human Design, this one off analysis can be tailored to your individual needs.

Investment $222


Mini Human Analysis (12 years and under)

Understanding your child’s design, allows you to honour their unique gifts and skills for this lifetime. We all know that every single child is different, having this knowledge and awareness of their Human Design can allow you to best support your child. As a parent we are here to nuture, guide, support, model and advocate for our children; understanding their design is not a “manual” to follow, but rather a guide to support what you already know is true and correct for them.

1 x Zoom Recording:

This analysis will be sharing information around their energy type and how they exchange their energy in the world, their energetic needs, the way energy flows, body intelligence and personality. This will be further supported by sharing how they best digest food and information from the world around them, and what environments are going to support them to best learn, and interact energetically.

By having this understanding, it is my dream, that we can limit conditioning, allowing children to truly thrive.

Investment $188


Deep Dive Analysis

The Deep Dive consists of Human Design concepts in three parts:

3 x Zoom recordings + ongoing support via email or Voxer app*:

PART ONE - Explore

  • Energy type and Strategy

  • Definition

  • Authority

  • Profile lines

PART TWO - Expand

  • Energy centres - your defined centres (consistent and reliable for you) + open centres (gifts + areas to learn/grown in this lifetime)

  • What these look like when they are in health or un-health

  • Actionable support to embrace, integrate, and lean on your gifts


  • Consistent themes/energies you have within you

  • How you could best allocate your time to be in energetic alignment

  • How you digest the world around you, what environment you thrive in, manifestation

  • Astrology connections + planetary alignment of activations

*Voxer is a ‘walkie talkie’ app that allows you to send voice messages directly to me, to question or clarify anything that comes up between your recorded sessions. This ongoing support will be available for up to two weeks following your final reading. Further ongoing support can be negotiated as required.

Investment $555

**Payment plans can be made available for INSPIRE, EMPOWER, THRIVE analysis options if this supports your situation. Please feel free to contact me via email to explore these options.


Please contact me if you would like a gift voucher. This can be created for a specific analysis, a Connection, or for a dollar value.

Emotions & Metaphysical Kinesiology

A Kinesiology session is an opportunity for you to lay down and have some time for you, to deeply connect to your body and your emotions. Throughout a Kinesiology session I will be using muscle reflex testing to allow your body to communicate with you.

To begin we will identify your physical symptoms and emotional stressors that you are currently experiencing, and then get really clear on how it is that you would like to feel following our balance. This information guides your session, and through communicating with your subconscious, we will be able to make connections, gain a deeper understanding of perhaps why you are experiencing some of these things, and by accessing a range of energy systems and remedies, we will aim to bring your body back to homeostasis.

Some of the balances that may be completed can consist of:

  • Element Healing

  • Meridian Rivers of Chi Healing

  • Chakra Healing

  • Transpersonal Chakra Healing

  • Aura Healing + removal of negative energy fields, negative attachments, negative entities

  • Plus a large range of other protocols

In person or online sessions are available.

Investment $150


You have already had an analysis, and are looking for some further support or guidance? Maybe you haven’t had an analysis; instead you are interested in understanding your relationship dynamics, communication and learning styles, or connective behaviours with a partner, child, family member, or colleague? “Connection” might be exactly what you are after!

This can look differently for everyone. It might be that you want a once off check in to revisit parts of your design, and receive some support to get you “back on track”. Perhaps you would benefit from ongoing connection, mentoring and support for yourself, your children or your business.



What do you need?

Connection can be a Zoom video call, a telephone call, or via Voxer app audio messaging.

Investment: $111 half hour

$188 one hour


Tailored to you

Connection can be a Zoom video call or a telephone call, and will include Voxer app audio messaging.

Investment: Will be negotiated depending on committed time frame, regularity, level of support required.

** Send an email through, and we can tailor something to your individual requirements. Payment plans can be made available if this supports your situation.

Releasing what no longer serves you

Ready to understand your

Human Design?