Inspire. Empower. Thrive.
with Jessica Jolly
“Human Design allowed me to understand who I am automatically, and how I can honour my true self…Kinesiology has supported me to remove emotional layers and unravel societal conditioning to thrive in my true nature…”
What is Human Design?
Human Design is essentially a roadmap, for you to understand how you are designed to live out this lifetime. It shares the wonderful gifts and energies that you have access to within you, and what you are here to do and learn in this lifetime, when you are in energetic alignment.
I'm able to look at your unique body-graph, and use this information to see who you are automatically. Look at what feels good for you? What doesn't? Who are you here to be? What are you here to learn in this lifetime? What are your innate gifts and skills that you have to share in this lifetime? Things you may need to be mindful of, and how you can use this information to support you to live a joy-filled life.
This is not telling me who you are now, but showing me who you are at your purest form – at birth. Throughout our lives we have many experiences, and can be exposed to conditioning and societal expectations that can cause us to become someone else, and distract us from who we truly are, and what we are here to experience.
This is not needing to ‘learn’ who you are - it is about removing the layers to reveal your truest, most authentic self! By understanding your Human Design, it can help you to understand yourself, honour your uniqueness, course correct, and get back to who you are truly meant to be!
This information should not be a surprise, but simply, confirming what we already know and feel is true and correct about ourselves, and using this as a permission slip to really own it – and step into our truth!
As we know, every single person is so different, and so unique, and this is shown through Human Design. There are over 3 billion combinations; every single person has their own unique body-graph, so the likelihood of having someone exactly the same as you is very slim – and confirms just how special you are!
It is such an honour to look at someone so deeply – and it would be a privilege to support you to understand and embrace your Human Design.
What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology is a natural healing therapy that uses muscle reflex testing to tap into the subconscious mind, which is where we hold our memories, patterns, beliefs, past experiences etc. and this feedback supports us to to clear all types of stress - Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual - from the body.
Types of stress Kinesiology can clear?
Mental Stress - anxiety, anxious or negative thoughts, over-thinking, stuck on details, in fear mode, critical type thinking, self-loathing, comparing self to others, etc.
Emotional Stress - depressive tendancies, hurt, grief, sadness, loss, disappointment, rejection, heart-broken, trauma, etc.
Physical Stress - headaches, back pain, neck stiffness, any physical ailment, dis-ease showing up in the body, aches, tension, discomfort, constipation, diarrhoea, stomach upset, sore throat, food sensitivities, etc.
Spiritual Stress - belief systems, high self connection, manifesting, attracting, etc.
Benefits of Kinesiology:
Happier, healthier, revitalised, and re-energised
Regulated nervous system
Restores your body to balance (homeostasis)
Reduces stress and pain + calms your mind
Improves sleep, digestion, immunity, and fertility
Enhances relationships, self-esteem and confidence
It is a privilege and I cannot wait to hold sacred space, to support you to clear stresses from your body, and support the healing of physical ailments you are potentially experiencing, to release anything that is holding you back from thriving as yourself.
— Jessica